Why can’t I access library resources?


If you have upstate.edu credentials and are seeing this message:  

Your sign-in was successful but does not meet the criteria to access this resource. For example, you might be signing in from a browser, app, or location that is restricted by your admin. 

This is most likely due to a change in leave/active status in Upstate’s student database or HR system. Please reach out to libsuppt@upstate.edu and include a screenshot of this error message, as well as any information you might have about changes that might have affected your status as a student or employee.  


If you have Library-issued OpenAthens credentials and see this message: 

Email us at library@upstate.edu to request renewal.


If you have Library-issued OpenAthens credentials and see this message:

If you are confident that your username is correct, try resetting your password at https://login.openathens.net/auth#forgottenpassword. If you don’t receive an email from noreply@openathens.net, please reach out to us at libsuppt@upstate.edu


If you do not have an OpenAthens account but believe you are eligible based on one of these categories, please email library@upstate.edu and include your affiliation and department. 

  • Last Updated Apr 01, 2024
  • Views 29
  • Answered By Michelle Bowers

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