Does ILL cost anything?


Interlibrary Loan services are free to all eligible users at Upstate, but the service does frequently incur costs— paid by the library— to obtain material.

The library reserves the right to cancel any ILL request due to the expense it would generate. The cancellation determination could be made in relation to:

  • the amount charged
  • vendor payment system concerns
  • the item’s academic value
  • the requesting user’s status
  • item is unavailable through any of our sources

This is not an exhaustive list, but a list to illustrate the wide-ranging situations under which a request is canceled because it is deemed too expensive for the library to pursue.


For more ILL-related questions, check out our ILL FAQ.

  • Last Updated Mar 19, 2024
  • Views 16
  • Answered By Stephanie Helsher

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