Why am I seeing this error message: "Sorry, access to this resource has been restricted"?


Receiving this error usually means something changed on the vendor end and library staff need to update some settings locally. Please report this error to libsuppt@upstate.edu so library staff can try to restore access. If possible, please send a screenshot (showing the "Error details" dropdown).

On some occasions, this error may indicate that Upstate doesn't subscribe to the resource. If so, reporting it will help us investigate whether we can get access in the future.

Exception: you are a NYUHS individual trying to access Interlibrary Loan. UHS users cannot access ILLiad, and should instead request this from UHS's library ILL. We recommend emailing them at medical.library@nyuhs.org, or calling them at 607-763-6060. 

What you can do:

  • Request the item through Interlibrary Loan and leave a comment that you are getting this error. Library staff will try to get and send the item to you.
  • If you are on campus and connected to the Upstate network, you can also try searching the Internet directly for the item you want. If it's open access or available through our onsite IP authentication, you may be able to access the content directly.
  • Last Updated Jun 18, 2024
  • Views 1018
  • Answered By Heidi Webb

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