How can I get access to an article or item that the Library doesn't have?


Our Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Department can help you get materials (articles, books, videos, and more) from other libraries when our library doesn't own or license what you need. While there are items that we may not be able to acquire, we will exhaust all options available to us.

You must be an Upstate affiliate (student, faculty, staff or resident) to use this service.

If you are an NYUHS affiliate, you should instead submit requests to the UHS library at

To manually submit a request or check on an existing request, please log in to the ILLiad system. If you're new to ILLiad, you will be asked to register. After registering, click the menu for New Request and navigate to the appropriate request form.

Alternatively, if you've discovered the item in Primo or been brought to Primo through an "Owned by Upstate?" link, you can click the "Get it from Interlibrary Loan" link in Primo to start a prefilled request form.

  • Last Updated Mar 29, 2024
  • Views 137
  • Answered By Rebecca Kindon

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